They had had extensive therapy in order to have a kid. However, luck was not on their side. They both were unsure about their chances of having a kid. IVF trials were unsuccessful. Richa had reached the end of her patience.
"Dear, Raman," she said. "Please accept it with open arms. I want to start a family of our own. But the difficulties of therapy have become unbearable for me. You are witnessing my plight."
He was likewise aware of the issue and shared the same level of worry.
"I know, you tell me; what should we do?" he inquired, his tone concerned.
"Can we adopt a child?" she said, almost as if she had been waiting to say it.
"Are you sure?" he said, with an enigmatic smile. "I mean, seriously!"
In his mind, he was thinking the same thing. He was unsure, though, whether she would be ready.
As tears welled up in her eyes, she acknowledged by moving her head. It dawned on him that she needed a change of scenery. "A 'weeping mommy all the time' will not please the baby," he stated, “He'll grow up to be like you."
She grinned and hugged him tenderly.
They chose adoption as a solution, but they had no idea what it entailed. They were both certain that they would not adopt a relative's child since they desired a child that was 100% theirs and theirs alone. In this circumstance, most relatives will be unprepared, and even if they are, it will be out of love for us. This was something they didn't want to happen.
She went to an orphanage and inquired about children that were available for adoption. Richa's desire to adopt a kid was well received by the orphanage's councilor, who expressed his delight.
However, she verified that a kid may only be adopted through the central government system. She also stated that they would inquire about their financial situation, among other things, to ensure that they would be the ideal parents for their kid and that the child would be safe and protected. She also stated that there were a large number of couples on the waiting list, so they would have to wait.
In a notepad, she jotted down every condition and piece of advice given to her. She forced Raman to read all of the notes and instructed him to register online. She also told Raman how the councilor yelled at her when she inquired if she would be able to pick among the children for adaption. She relayed the councilor's precise words to him, “"I am sorry, Mrs. Richa! Please accept my apologies, but this is a ridiculous question. Are you looking to buy vegetables? It is one and only one human life. We are not here to sell our child. Consider this: if you have a differently abled child, will you abandon him? Only the devils will accomplish such a thing. We shall, however, provide the child's current health status ahead of time. We don't want to endanger our child by providing to parents who don't deserve to be parents. We provide all detail about the kid to couples for the sole purpose of a yes or no decision. Because there are many couples on the waiting list who truly want to have children. This procedure is tightly supervised by the government, and there is no room for error.”
Raman then went to the website, checked the terms, and filled out the form. They were both overjoyed.
Even after two years, however, there was no call or feedback for the child.
She continued in touch with the authorities, but they kept telling her, "You will get a call when the child is available and when your turn comes." It might take some time. "Please be patient."
They opted to continue therapy because there was no response. A year has passed once more. Suddenly, they received a phone call that said, "Congratulations! There is a boy child available for you."
The phone call did not come from the orphanage where they had inquired. It was from a different orphanage and a different city. They posted images of the child, who was almost a year old at the time. Fortunately for them, the child had a really cute and smiling face. They revealed every detail about the child. The child was in good physical condition. They both answered "yes!" right away. Many people expressed questions and concerns about the child without knowing anything. They were, nonetheless, certain in their decision. After all legalities were completed, the kid was given up to them.
The child was welcomed at home in a simple ceremony attended by friends and family. Everyone was happy. They renamed the youngster "Laksh."
The child became accustomed to them quickly. Laksh was not one of those children that cried all the time. He has been a gentleman since he was a kid.
The narrative stops here because happiness poured throughout their house. But what is life if there is no spice in it?
All of their friends began to pay them visits at their house. Everyone was thrilled to see Laksh playing and smiling. Some people were curious as to how they ended up with such a gorgeous baby. Some wanted to know where they obtained the kid because they wanted to adopt a lovely youngster like him, and they also wanted to know how much money they paid for him.
Some friends even anticipated that huge money would have been given for this child. Looking at their foolish query, she just remembered the councilor’s shouting and words. She giggled quietly to herself and stated very politely, “See, he is my child and precious for not only us but also to them from whom we have got him. So don’t ask such ridiculous questions? He is blessing for us.”
Really sometimes you need to, “Let it go” such people who do not really matter much to you and your life. We can not change people; we need to change our ways to safeguard our life.
Loved the story