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Hospital and Lord Yama- "A God of death"


Life is full of surprises. We never know what surprises will be in store for us. When an issue arises, it appears from all directions, trapping you in a scenario. My life was likewise turned upside down when my father suffered a heart attack.

This circumstance upset me because all of my wages had ceased and there was no free money available for therapy. Fortunately, he was covered by our medical insurance. To some extent, it has endured.

We chose the government scheme since the surgeons who would conduct the procedure were well-known surgeons. The operation went well. He was no longer in danger. I remembered another woman who had undergone open-heart surgery at the same time. All of these patients were confined to the ICU. For over three days, only nurses and physicians were permitted to enter. In the ICU, families could see their loved ones through a glass partition. However, the glass would be covered for the whole day and only exposed in the morning to see the patients one by one.

The next day, this lady got conscious and began screaming at the nurse and physicians. When the physicians came out of the ICU, they began telling the families that the lady was extremely hazardous.

The nurse said, "This lady believes she is in hell, that physician is Lord Yama who kills life, and that nurses are his supporters."

The nurse continued, "So she began screaming for help to get out and save her life. She wouldn't let any of us get close to her. So we ultimately had to restrain her legs and wrists on the bed. Doctors then gave her an injection to make her fall asleep.

When all of her relatives tried to say "Hello!" to her through the glass wall, she began to yell, "Hey, don't come here. They have assassinated me. This is, in fact, Hell. You should not come here because they will murder you as well.” And then again she started screaming, “Get the hell out of here."

As I listened to this, I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. For a brief moment, I envisioned the doctor as Lord Yama, slaying the lady with his sword.

But then I saw my father extending his hands to us. We were all pleased.



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